China launches website to aid enterprises' overseas investment


China's Ministry of Commerce launched a website on Sunday that will provide consulting services to enterprises involved in foreign trade or overseas investment.

The website,, the first of its kind, will mainly deal with complaints that Chinese enterprises lodge during their operations in foreign trade, overseas investment and labor cooperation.

The website was officially launched by the ministry at the ongoing 110th Canton Fair, China's largest trade fair that is held in Guangzhou, capital of Guangdong Province.

Vice Minister of Commerce Gao Hucheng said at the opening ceremony that the website is the outcome of resources optimization and integration to cater to the demands of Chinese enterprises.

The ministry will answer questions or provide guidance to enterprises in need both online and offline, Gao said.

Previously, the ministry had already opened service hotlines to deal with company complaints.

The website will function as a bridge to help Chinese medium- and small-size enterprises better explore overseas markets, Gao added.


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