Globalization set to advance Chinese industry


Globalization will push Chinese industry forward during the next decade, business leaders told the 2011 Tsinghua Management Global Forum in Beijing on Tuesday.

Mr. Victor K. Fung, Group Chairman of Li & Fung Group of Companies, said that globalization is very important for Chinese companies and enterprises. He stated that China is "very much a part of the world”, so “we have to consider how to go global." He stressed that globalization will be China's first, immediate move, adding that as China has also transformed from being a center of manufacturing to a center of consumption, it is expected to become the second-largest country in terms of consumption by 2025.

Talking about globalization, Mr. Nobuyuki Idei, founder & CEO of Quantum Leaps Corporation and former chairman & group CEO of Sony Corporation, explained that globalization involves not only the US and European countries, but also China, East Asia and India, as well as the Middle-East and Africa. He added that the different aspects of globalization seen in different parts of the world should be integrated.

According to Mr. Liang Xinjun, Co-Founder & CEO, Fosun Group, the globalization of Chinese enterprises will likely be greatly accelerated, which will, in turn, spur the globalization of the whole world. In the next a few years, the biggest change in the global economy will be the ever-increasing contribution of China, especially in the luxury and healthcare market, accounting for 20-30 percent of the whole market share. China will also contribute to the global capital market, including capital supply and the impact on other countries created by its foreign direct investment (FDI). During the progress of globalization, the opportunities created by China’s continuing growth may lead to success.

The forum, titled, "China in the Changing World," is an annual event organized by Tsinghua University's School of Economics and Management. It was first held in 2007.

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