China to export sheep to Saudi Arabia

A first batch of 90,000 sheep are undergoing quarantine inspection and will be delivered to Saudi Arabia at the end of October, sources with the State Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine said.

Saudi Arabia lifted an import ban late September to allow north China's Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region to export cattle and sheep. Saudi Arabia imports as many as six million animals a year. Before the ban was lifted, an expert team visited Inner Mongolia to inspect local livestock breeding.

Uzbekistan and Malaysia are also looking to import Chinese cattle and sheep. The administration said that 1,000 dairy cows are being inspected by the quarantine department in northwestern Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region before being delivered to Uzbekistan.

The deal came after the Uzbek Agricultural Department and the administration reached an agreement in September on sanitation requirements for China's cattle exports.

Earlier this year, Malaysia's Agricultural Department said that it would allow cattle and sheep imports from north China's Inner Mongolia, northeastern Liaoning Province and southeastern Fujian Province. The administration hopes the deals will help China sell more cattle and sheep to the Middle East, and to Central and Southeast Asian markets.

China currently exports cattle and sheep to 11 countries -- Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Jordan, Lebanon, Pakistan, Malaysia, Uzbekistan, North Korea, Thailand, Myanmar and Nepal.


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