Auto makers eye export market

For many independent Chinese auto makers, exports are an attractive sector and many domestic producers have continuously tested the waters in overseas markets in recent years.

Despite the difficult conditions in the global market, the steady growth in exports is obvious. Xu Changming, the Information Department of State Information Center's director, revealed the monthly export quantity in August reached 42,183 units. The annual export quantity was forecast around 350,000 units. The figure is forecast to hit 500,000 next year. "The total export quantity of China's vehicles has continued to boom in the past four years. This will definitely continue," he said.

For individual auto makers such as Geely Automobile Holding Co and Chery Automobile Co, the chance to compete in the more lucrative overseas market has forced them introduce lower-priced products.

Geely announced that about two-thirds of its autos will be sold overseas by 2015, highlighting the company's ambition to be a shining example of the country's automotive export market.

By the end of this year, Geely's export figures will reach 130,000 units, according to Geely President Li Shufu. If its 2015 target is achieved, the figure will reach 2 million units.

"Low cost and low price are still crucial elements for Chinese cars exported out of China currently. This is basically the same as Japanese exports 20 years ago," Li said. "However, that is not to say that we will follow the exact footsteps of the Japanese and Korean auto makers who first sent cheap cars to the overseas market."


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