China pledges to deepen economic restructuring, grow green economy


Chinese President Hu Jintao said here Saturday that China will deepen economic structural reform, grow a green economy, enhance protection of intellectual property rights and open wider to the outside world.

Hu made the remarks at the CEO summit of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) ahead of the APEC Economic Leaders' Meeting.

Hu noted that while China's economy has grown steadily and the country is opening wider to the outside world, China still faces the major challenge of unbalanced, uncoordinated and unsustainable development.

China, he said, will continue to deepen reform and opening-up, improve people's livelihood and promote sustained, steady and fairly fast economic growth and social harmony and stability.

Hu then laid out a four-point proposal to achieve the goals, with the first being that China will deepen economic structural reform and improve business and investment environment.

Second, China will honor its commitment to growing a green economy and promoting the conservation culture, Hu said.

From 2011 to 2015, China's investment in the environmental sector will double that of the previous five years to about 3.1 trillion yuan (about 488.5 billion U.S. dollars), Hu said, adding that China's green industry is a key area for foreign investment.

Third, China will step up protection of intellectual property rights and make itself a country driven by innovation, he said.

China will vigorously boost scientific and technological innovation and turn enterprises into major players of such innovation, while further improving the legal system for intellectual property rights protection, he said.

Fourth, China will open wider to the outside world and take an active part in global economic governance and regional cooperation, Hu said.

China, he said, will give equal importance to import and export and focus more on increasing import while maintaining a stable level of export.

Noting that China's development constitutes an important force driving regional and global economic growth, Hu said that China will work together with others to create a better future for the Asia-Pacific region.

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