Oil prices fall on fears of slow economic growth


OIL prices fell yesterday on fears that the world economy will weaken and push down demand for crude.

West Texas Intermediate oil, which is used as a benchmark to price oil in much of the US, fell 75 cents to finish at US$96.92 a barrel in New York. Brent crude, which is used to price oil produced in many foreign countries, fell 74 cents to end at US$106.66 a barrel in London.

The global economy is under assault from several directions. The inability of Europe to deal with its crushing debt problems is raising concerns that the region will fall into recession. Also, as long as the crisis continues, the fear remains that the world financial system could seize up if European banks and banks with ties to Europe stop lending.

"The market's biggest concern is the ongoing strife in Europe and the uncertainty that brings," said Phil Flynn, an analyst at PFG Best in Chicago.

When the economy slows, demand for crude oil and refined products like diesel and gasoline falls because fewer goods are produced and shipped, and people travel less.

Another concern is that the Congressional committee set up to reduce US spending, known as the super committee, will fail to come up with a plan. That could lead to further gridlock in Washington at a time when the US economy is fragile.

"The supercommittee isn't looking very super," Flynn said.

Economic fears also sent major stock indexes down about 2 percent yesterday. In the past, stocks and oil prices often moved in opposite directions because high oil prices often led to high inflation, which hurt stock prices. In recent years, however, inflation worries have receded and oil and the stock market have tended to move in the same direction. Both have risen when it appears the economy will grow, and fallen when it looks like the economy will shrink.

"The oil market is moving in tandem with the big swings we are seeing in the stock market," said energy consultant Jim Ritterbusch.

The price of oil was also pushed lower by a stronger dollar. Oil is priced in dollars, so when the dollar becomes more valuable compared with other currencies, oil becomes more expensive to holders of foreign currency and they tend to buy less of it.

Benchmark US crude spiked to nearly US$103 a barrel last Wednesday after a pipeline company announced plans to try to relieve a glut of landlocked oil at a major hub in Oklahoma by shipping it to the gulf coast. Brent crude fell because the plan would add to supplies of oil that can be shipped by sea, relieving a relative shortage.

Now both are falling because economies around the world may need less oil no matter how it is delivered.

In other energy trading in New York, natural gas rose 8 cents to finish at US$3.399 per 1,000 cubic feet, gasoline futures rose 1.06 cents US$2.4890 a gallon and heating oil fell 3.82 cents to US$2.9943 a gallon.


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