The 3rd Roundtable Meeting on ASEAN Plus Three Food Security Cooperation Strategy


MOA hosted the 3rd Roundtable Meeting in Guangxi from November 9 to 10, which was themed on Enhancing regional food security through Productivity Improvement and Information Exchange.


Meeting participants shared experience on food production. They discussed the importance of information sharing, quality and informatization in food production, supply, demand, stock, circulation, price, and market monitoring and analysis if to ensure regional food security. The consensus was enhanced over the regional food security cooperation strategy.


More than 150 representatives came to Guangxi from ASEAN countries, Japan, ROK, ASEAN Secretariat, FAO, WFP, ADB, APTERR Secretariat, IFPRI, and from public and private sectors of 16 provinces in China. Seed, farm machinery and pesticide enterprises were also present. Wang Ying, DG of MOA Department of International Cooperation, and Chen Zhangliang, Vice Chairman of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region delivered opening remarks.


China put forward five suggestions to enhance food security cooperation in ASEAN Plus Three region: first, improve cooperation mechanisms to safeguard food security; second, tap comparative advantages to develop a sound regional industrial structure; third, strengthen exchanges in science and information to expand cooperative scopes and modalities; fourth, facilitate trade and accelerate East Asia FTA development; fifth, engage enterprises in agricultural cooperation and international investment and competition. The suggestions were agreed by all participants.

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