RICS Hong Kong's Immediate Past Chairman Appointed as Member of Advisory Committee on the Regulation of the Property Management Industry


HONG KONG, Dec. 1, 2011 /PRNewswire-Asia/ -- The Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS) Hong Kong's Immediate Past Chairman, Mr KK Wong, was appointed as a member of the Advisory Committee on the Regulation of the Property Management Industry by the Home Affairs Department of the HKSAR Government. The committee is responsible for advising the Government on the formulations of the licensing regime for the property management industry and establishing licensing details. The advisory committee consists of 15 members from the property management, surveying and facility management industries, along with accountants and Legislative Council members. The first meeting will be convened in December to discuss the working plan. The committee is chaired by Mr Chung Pui-lam, JP.

RICS has proposed a series of measures regarding regulation of property management to the HKSAR Government. RICS welcomes the adoption of most of the proposed measures, including: 1) setting up a single-tier licensing regime and compulsorily requiring all property management companies to be licensed; 2) requiring property managers to be licensed; and 3) establishing an independent statutory body to handle all licensing, regulatory and promotion work for the licensing regime.

Mr KK Wong, Immediate Past Chairman of the RICS Hong Kong, said, "I am very honoured to be appointed as a member of the Advisory Committee on the Regulation of the Property Management Industry by the Home Affairs Department. I will bring up recommendations of RICS, such as an individual practitioner licensing regime, a comprehensive training programme to groom future practitioners. This is a must to ensure enough qualified professionals to provide services for the industry in the future. With regard to exemption of owners' corporations (OCs) from the regulation, RICS is with a view that professional property management training should be provided to the OCs in order to ensure safety of the building structure and that good management practice is being followed."

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