Mr. Jean-Noel Daguin Appointed Executive Vice President of Manitowoc Crane China


November 28, 2011, Manitowoc Crane Group appointed Mr. Jean-Noel Daguin to be the executive vice president of the crane department in China with immediate effect.

Mr. Jean-Noel Daguin graduated from Britain Coventry University, majoring European Business and Technology. Then, he learnt Finance & Information System in University of Rennes, and got the master’s degree. Mr. Jean-Noel Daguin has worked in Manitowoc for ten years, ever being the financial director of the Asian-Pacific region. He is pretty familiar with the local culture, and knows much about the strength of the working team in China, together with his financial working background, leadership ability, and commercial sensitivity, making him qualified for the new position.

The new appointment of Jean-Noel Daguin inflects that our company dedicates in achieving business success with internal potential and pay attention to creating career development and promotion opportunity for the company’s talents. Jean-Noel Daguin will continue to implement various plans made by the company to expand the business of Manitowoc in China.

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