VW Begins Chinese Employment Drive


Gasgoo.com (Shanghai December 9) - Volkswagen has just begun its "China 60" employment plan, the Beijing Times reported today. The goal of "China 60" is to improve localization for VW's models by finding Chinese talent to fill 60 top managerial posts, HR Executive Vice President and Board Member Klaus Dierkes said. Some of the posts will be second only to VW's board of directors, Mr. Dierkes said.

According to Mr. Dierkes, while VW will accept applications from people of all nationalities, the employment drive will focus on Chinese talent in technology, sales, human resources and other domains. Newly-hired employees will undergo six to 12 months of training at VW's headquarters in Wolfsburg, Germany. In addition to executive posts, most of the positions will be for the joint venture's new production sites.

VW decided on opening the employment drive because of the rapid growth of the Chinese automotive industry in recent years, Mr. Dierkes said. VW hopes to take advantage of market trends by introducing new brands and opening new production centers. Previously, VW gave their top positions exclusively to German employees, but have recently decided to concentrate on finding local talent.



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