Cross-Strait business forum


Cross-Strait ties between the Chinese mainland and Taiwan continue to get warmer. At this years ECFA Business Opportunities and Partnering Forum this week, some 200 Chinese mainland participating companies brought more than 350 million US dollars worth of business opportunity to Taiwan. To remind you, the ECFA, or Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement, is a preferential trade pact between the two sides that aims to reduce tariffs and commercial barriers.

This year’s ECFA Business Opportunities and Partnering Forum took place in three Taiwan cities - Taipei, Kaohsiung and Tainan. It offered one-on-one purchasing negotiations for small and median sized firms on both sides.

The "early harvest" list of tariff concessions covers over 500 Taiwan products and almost 300 mainland Chinese goods, including food, and local special products.

Wang Liaoping, president of Taiwan Strait Association of Economy & Trade said: “The signing of the ECFA agreement has provided better consumer networks and market opportunities for businesses on both sides, especially agricultural dealers. This platform helps them to find better and suitable partners."

Taiwan fruits are popular in the mainland market. Pineapple, banana, papaya, guava and wax apple are among the most popular fruits that enjoy trade benefits with the mainland. Among 18 approved fruits in total, more than 10 are duty free.

And just before the forum got underway, the Chinese mainland agreed to give benefits to one more fruit from Taiwan - pears.

Huang Wenrong, deputy secretary general of Taiwan External Trade Development Council said: “Events like this are beneficial for trade and people across the Strait. Allowing Chinese mainland consumer to purchase more varieties of Taiwan products is very helpful for boosting trade."

The ECFA pact was signed on June 29, 2010, in Chongqing.

Since then, more than half of Taiwan exporters have enjoyed new business opportunities as the agreement continues to strengthen ties between the Chinese mainland and Taiwan.

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