Chinese Infinitis May be Made in Dalian, Liaoning

   Date:2011/12/28 (Shanghai December 27) - Dalian, Liaoning may be the location Nissan chooses to begin domestic production of Infiniti brand models, Economic Observer News reported today, quoting sources from within the manufacturer. According to the aforementioned sources, Dalian edged out Wuhan, Hubei and Guangzhou, Guangdong in a vote held by Nissan officials.

If the information is proven to be correct, it will mark a major turning point for Japanese manufacturers, who have yet to break the hold that Mercedes-Benz, BMW and Audi have on the Chinese luxury market. All three German brands have already begun manufacturing vehicles in the country.

News of site selection for domestic production means that there should be no doubt that Infinitis will be made in China. According to the sources mentioned above, Nissan plans to use a business model similar to FAW-VW and Audi, with production of Infinits made under the management of the Dongfeng Nissan joint venture.

Nissan China, Infiniti China and the Dalian government have yet to comment on the news.

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