Linden Comansa Adds New PowerLift System to its Tower Cranes


Linden Comansa Series LC500, LC1100, LC1600, LC2100 and LC3000 cranes incorporate the new PowerLift system.
January 3, 2012–The new PowerLift System from Linden Comansa, Pineville, N.C., which allows users to displace a maximum load to a major reach, is now included standard on all tower cranes at no additional cost.

All Linden Comansa Series LC500, LC1100, LC1600, LC2100 and LC3000 cranes now incorporate the company’s PowerLift system, which automatically reduces of the speed of the trolley and hoist to enable cranes to achieve a load of up to an extra 10 percent. The system allows cranes to increase the rated load that appears in the load charts by 10 percent.

For example, the 21 LC 400/18-ton tower crane, with 80 meters (262.5 feet) of jib length, can load 18,000 kilograms (19.8 tons) up to a reach of 16.6 meters (54.5 feet). With the PowerLift system, the crane will be able to load 18,000 kilograms to a reach of 18 meters (59 feet). If this crane can load up to 3,000 kilos (3.3 tons) at the jib end, with the PowerLift system, it will be able to load 3,300 kilos (3.64 tons).

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