Digital Pay-TV Service Covers 150 Chinese Cities


Digital pay television is fighting to survive in China despite nearly 90 digital pay television channels covering 150 cities of the country, according to digital TV executive.

Digital pay-TV had covered all of China except Guangxi, Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan since its launch in 2004, but its prospects were still fuzzy, said Song Jun, of China DTV Media (CDM).

CDM was China's first nationwide pay-TV platform funded by the state-run China Central Television (CCTV). Three other providers have since emerged: Shanghai Media and Entertainment Group, TopV and CCTV Channel 6.

"Only one fifth of CDM's 44 digital pay-TV channels are doing well," Song said. "The revenue, however, still cannot offset the investment of millions of U.S. dollars." The fledgling industry was still in its market cultivation stage, he said.

Cable TV was still very popular in China. "It is hard to draw TV viewers away from the economical cable networks and have them subscribe the pay service," Sun said.

Viewers could receive more than 30 channels on cable TV costing only two U.S. dollars per month, while CDM charged five to 180 yuan (22.5 dollars) per month for each of its digital pay channels.

The digital pay service provided specialist programs on sport, fashion, music, documentaries, high-definition movies, TV series and cuisine. "To compete with free channels, the pay channels will have to promote more quality programs," Sun said.


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