Yonghui Superstores Announced 2011 Performances

Yonghui Superstores released its 2011 annual report on January 19, showing that its net profits attributable to its parent company’s owners were up by over 50% compared with the number of last year.
The net profit attributable to its parent company’s owners reached 355 million yuan and its earnings per share were 0.4 yuan in 2010. It follows that its earnings per share in 2011 should be 0.6 yuan, lower than 0.655 yuan as expected. The figure was lowered by securities companies such as Everbright Securities and China Investment Securities.
The supermarket chain opened 48 new stores in 2011, including 25 ones in the fourth quarter, which was over 50% of the total number. In December, its new store openings were numbered 17, accounting for 35% compared with 13% in 2009 and 20% in 2010. 


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