Ingo Scholten Replaces Maryann Combs as President of PATAC

   Date:2012/02/01 (Shanghai January 31) - General Motors China has announced that that Ingo Scholten has been appointed as president of the Pan Asia Technical Automotive Center, an automotive engineering and design joint venture owned by GM and SAIC, China Business News reported today. Mr. Scholten will assume the post tomorrow.

His predecessor, Maryann Combs (pictured below), will assume the post of executive director of global validation. She was originally appointed as PATRC president in November 2007.

Asked about Mr. Scholten (pictured above), Kevin E. Wale, president and general manager of GM China, commented that, "his extensive background in vehicle and powertrain engineering as well as his knowledge of PATAC will enable us to continue growing China’s leading automotive engineering and design organization."

Mr. Scholten joined GM in 1992 and has previously worked as vice president of GM International Operations Powertrain Engineering. He has worked in GM facilities in India, Thailand, Uzbekistan and other countries.

According to a press release from GM, PATAC is an equally held joint venture that provides engineering services for Shanghai GM and SAIC-GM-Wuling.

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