Kodak Installs First OG(R)-Enhanced X-Ray Platform


CompuMed, Inc., a medical informatics company leading the development of advanced imaging technology for cost-effective analysis and monitoring -- announced the first OsteoGram-enhanced KODAK DIRECTVIEW DR 3000 platform has been installed in Wuxi, China.

CompuMed's OsteoGram is a software-based system for the screening, diagnosing and monitoring of osteoporosis. The OsteoGram provides an accurate, low-cost alternative to DXA bone mineral density (BMD) testing. Earlier this year, CompuMed announced a licensing agreement that enables Kodak Electronic Products Shanghai Co., LTD to enhance its market-leading digital radiography (DR) and computed radiography (CR) systems with CompuMed's proprietary OsteoGram software. KEPS is a wholly owned subsidiary of the Eastman Kodak Company.

According to China's 2000 national census, approximately 100 million of its citizens suffer from various stages of osteoporosis, making China the nation with the world's highest number of osteoporosis patients. The annual medical cost to treat those affected by the disease is estimated to be about 15 billion Yuan ($84 billion US), a figure that does not take into account the significant strain osteoporosis incurs on China's national healthcare program.

CompuMed is planning to leverage its expertise in computer-aided diagnostics to provide solutions and services that improve healthcare provider workflow and patient care, while reducing costs. The OsteoGram's benefits in terms of cost and efficiency facilitate wider osteoporosis screening and treatment for at-risk patients. It is far less costly and cumbersome to use than conventional BMD testing systems, which require dedicated and expensive equipment, computers, office space and staff.


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