Sany Liang Wengen Attends Sino-German Entrepreneurs Symposium


On February 3, Premier Wen Jiabao and the visiting German chancellor Angela Merkel jointly hosted the Sino-German Entrepreneurs Symposium. Liang Wengen, Chairman of Sany Heavy Industry, was invited to attend.

The Symposium was held in Guangzhou, with representatives from National Development Bank, Sany Heavy Industry, Lenovo and Southern Airlines attended. 20 German enterprises including Siemens, Volkswagen and Eurocopter also attended the meeting.

Wen and Merkel both gave brief speeches at the beginning. Wen said that the strategic connotations of China-Germany relations are reflected in several aspects. China and Germany have established a comprehensive strategic partnership and formed various mechanisms. These mechanisms are conducive to enhancing mutual trust. China-Germany relations promoted the long-term, healthy and stable development of China-EU relations.

Merkel said that Germany has long being economically open to foreign investment. Germany and China has established an economic framework aimed at promoting trade. German enterprises in China are very proud of their Chinese staff and hope that the cooperation between the two countries can be further promoted.


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