Three Companies Gain On ChiNext Debut


Everyday Network (300295), Leyard Optoelectronic (300296), and Bluedon Information Security Technology (300297) debuted on the ChiNext Board today, reports Securities Times
Everyday Network, an operator of real estate and home decoration portals, issued 10.70 million shares at 34 yuan per share, raising 363.8 million yuan from its initial public offering. The corresponding P/E ratio is 25.19 times earnings.
Proceeds raised will be used to upgrade its online sales platform, expand its network in key cities, and build a technology center for 221 million yuan.
Everyday Network is the leading real estate and home decoration portal in the Yangtze River Delta region, with a market share of 3.18 percent in 2010. The company plans to have a network covering 50 cities by 2015.
Shares of the company rose 74.71 percent to close at 59.4 yuan per share today.
Leyard Optoelectronic is a producer of LED applications and solutions to the government, railway transportation, urban transportation, public transportation, civilian aviation, media, and financial sectors.
The company issued 20 million shares at 16 yuan per share, raising 320 million yuan from its initial public offering. The corresponding P/E ratio is 31.37 times earnings.
Funds raised will be used to build an industrial park, upgrade a research center, and improve its sales network.
Shares of the company rose 56.13 percent to close at 24.98 yuan per share today.
Bluedon Information Security Technology, a provider of information security services for enterprises, issued 19.70 million new shares at 16 per share, raising 315.2 million yuan from its initial public offering. The corresponding P/E ratio is 32.65 times earnings.
Funds raised will be invested in an UltraUTM integrated network safety project, to build a research center, and a training center for 210 million yuan.
At present, more than 40 percent of existing clients are from the government, with a majority of the sales concentrated in South China.

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