Focus Media Q-Card User Base Reaches 2.5 Mln


Jason Jiang, CEO of Chinese digital media and Internet advertising operator Focus Media (Nasdaq: FMCN), stated in the Q4 2011 earnings call that its "Q-card" discount card has more than 2.5 mln registered users, and that Focus Media will introduce the "Q-card" mobile phone client in the second half of the year. In addition, Focus Media plans on expanding the cities in which "Q-card" can be used from the current 7 to 13 cities in the second half of the year. Jiang also said that Focus Media's target customer was shifting from small and medium-sized businesses to medium and large sized enterprises.

Editor's Note: So far the "Q-card," which is used to receive promotions and coupons from Focus Media's next-generation interactive LCD screens, has been issued in the following cities: Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Hangzhou, Nanjing, and Chengdu. While Focus Media's interactive screens began to appear in Beijing in October last year, Marbridge has yet to come across one that is actually stocked with Q-cards. Several industry contacts have reported that on the first day the new screens were installed in their buildings, they were stocked with a limited supply of cards which were all dispensed the first day and never restocked. A handful of other contacts have reported that when the new screens were first launched, their respective companies received an allocation of Q-cards that were distributed to employees by hand.


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