China prioritize transportation of grain as price hike 


China's Ministry of Communications has issued an urgent circular calling for the transportation of grain, cooking oil and non-staple food to be prioritized, said ministry sources.

The influence of the overseas grain markets and the country's minimum purchase prices for grain reserves has constricted the market supply of grain.

To ease the shortage of grain and food supply on the domestic market, the National Development and Reform Commission and the State Grain Administration have jointly approved the auction of 3.8 million tons of the country's grain reserves since the end of November.

The latest auction took place on Dec 15 when 833,000 tons of the country's wheat was auctioned for 1.26 billion yuan (around 161.3 million U.S. dollars) in East China's Anhui Province, North China's Hebei Province and Zhengzhou, the capital of Central China's Henan Province.



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