Green Lights' Radiation Safe, Officials Say


Energy-saving lights sold locally do not emit unsafe levels of electromagnetic radiation, Shanghai's quality watchdog said yesterday after performing a round of tests.

Public concern has grown over radiation safety of energy-saving lights after recent media reports quoted results from amateur tests showing high levels of electromagnetic radiation from some green bulbs.

None of the lights sold locally tested positive to harmful electromagnetic radiation, and all complied by standards of the International Electrotechnical Commission, said the Shanghai Quality and Technical Supervision Bureau.

In the news release, the quality authorities quoted light-product experts as saying the amateur tests were flawed because the radiation detectors were placed unusually close to the lights.

In those tests, the detectors were positioned no more than 10 centimeters from the bulbs.

If the green lights are used in an ordinary manner, consumers should not fear being exposed to excessive electromagnetic radiation, the authorities said, based on results of its market inspection.

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