March Excavator Sales: Strong in Export


In March 2012, the excavator sales volume of the 28 major excavator manufacturers totals 23,248 units, reducing by 47.34% year-on-year, while growing by 48.85% month-on-month. The accumulative sales volume from January to March is 44,087 units, reducing by 41.87% year-on-year, of which, the sales volume in the domestic market totals 42,394 units, reducing by 43.42% year-on-year; the export volume is 1,693 units, growing by 85.64% year-on-year.

From January to March, in terms of the market share, domestic excavator brands grow to 42% around; the Japanese brands reduce to 27% ; the Korean brands and European and American excavator brands remain 18% and 12%.

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