Hui Liangyu calls for flood, drought fight


Chinese Vice Premier Hui Liangyu on Thursday called for local governments to increase efforts in combating floods and droughts this year so as to minimize losses caused by these disasters.

Despite development in water conservancy construction, the country still faces issues in the sector. They include poor flood-control facilities and a large number of dilapidated reservoirs, Hui said at a national anti-food and drought meeting.

Meanwhile, abnormal and unexpected disasters caused by climate change have challenged the country's flood control and drought relief efforts, according to Hui.

He urged local governments to try harder in fighting floods from the country's main rivers, large and medium-sized reservoirs, and those potentially affecting major cities.

Efforts should also be made to help medium- and small-sized rivers and reservoirs to pass the test of the upcoming flood season, the vice premier said.

Local authorities should work to ensure the safety of drinking water and supplies for people's living and production, he added.

Hui also urged them to make early preparations, including improving inspections, eliminating safety risks in water projects, increasing stocks of disaster-relief materials and strengthening monitoring and reporting.

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