Sina Weibo Launches Mobile App Channel

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Chinese internet company Sina's (Nasdaq: SINA) Weibo microblogging platform announced today that it will launch a mobile application development channel. Mobile applications using the Sina Weibo platform fall mostly into five categories: microblogging clients, photo-sharing applications, location-sharing applications, social networking applications, and reading applications.

Lu Yi, deputy general manager of Sina's Weibo division, said that the service now has more than 300 mln registered users, with more than 60% of active users logging into the site through mobile terminals. 40% of original content coming from mobile terminals is photographs being shared on Weibo.

iPhone and Android users account for 28% and 27%, respectively, of mobile terminals being used to log into Weibo at present, accounting for more than half of all mobile traffic. Another 25% of traffic comes from WAP logins, while 9% of traffic comes from Symbian phones.

In Q4 2011, Lu said, Sina Weibo traffic from mobile devices overtook traffic from PC terminals. Sina predicts that mobile platforms will account for 2/3 of overall traffic for Sina Weibo by the end of this year.



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