Netease Cloud Note Service Reaches 3 Mln Installs


Chinese Internet firm Netease's (Nasdaq: NTES) Youdao Cloud Note ( service has reached 3 mln installs, according to senior VP Zhou Feng.

Youdao has not considered releasing a paid version of the service, said Feng. Youdao Cloud Note provides 1 GB of free storage space, but users earn another 100 MB each day that they are logged in for 8 hours or more.

Youdao Cloud Note currently has versions for the desktop, web, iPad, iPhone, Android, and mobile browsers.

In December 2011, Netease added the word "Cloud" to the name of the service along with releasing a new and improved version.

Netease added that Youdao Dictionary currently has 170 mln users, including 70 mln mobile users.


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