S. China province sees sharp rise in aquatic produce exports


China's southernmost province of Hainan, a traditional exporter of aquatic produce, saw a sharp rise in foreign sales last year, according to local customs sources.

In 2006, Hainan sold abroad 73,500 tons of aquatic products, valued at 212 million U.S. dollars, a growth of 78 percent year on year. Aquatic products accounted for 81 percent of the province's total exports of farm produce, the local customs sources said.

Last year Hainan's farm produce made up 297 million U.S. dollars, or 10 percent, up 65 percent. Exports of farm produce went up more than 70 percent to 258 million U.S. dollars, or 20 percent of the province's total. The local customs sources said the European Union, Hong Kong and the United States were the top three trade partners of Hainan.


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