China's coffee demand to hit 60,000-70,000 tons in 2007


China's coffee demand will reach 60,000-70,000 metric tons in 2007, due to the strong growth in consumer consumption.

"With more   and   more   Chinese  drinking  coffee,  and  coffee  shops mushrooming  throughout  cities,  consumer  demand  for  coffee  will be boosted  this  year," said Zou Lei, from the China Coffee Association of Beijing.

Zou said  that  China's  annual coffee demand was about 40,000 to 50,000 tons in  2006,  of  which  10,000  to  20,000  tons  were  used  by  the pharmaceutical industry, which uses caffeine in analgesics.

Imported coffee originated mainly from Brazil, Columbia, Kenya and Vietnam. China also exported around 10,000 tons abroad to Europe and America from coffee plantations in Hainan, Guangdong, Fujian, and Yunnan provinces, said Zou.

"Chinese   consumers  fancy  coffee  from  Brazil  and  Columbia,  while Europeans  and  Americans  like  the  special  taste  of Chinese coffee, especially from Yunnan," said Zou. Yunnan produces around 20,000 tons of coffee beans each year. He said some big coffee makers, including Nescafe, primarily use coffee beans grown in Yunnan Province.



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