Starbucks to remove products with Trans fats in China


Starbucks Corp. aims to stop selling food and pastries containing artery-clogging trans fats in China within six months. The move by Starbucks, owner of the world's biggest coffee shop chain, follows a statement last month that it would cut trans fats from products sold in half its U.S. restaurants.

Starbucks, which operates about 230 outlets in mainland China, made the decision without pressure from consumers or regulators, company spokesman Eden Woon said. "We want to do the right thing, that's all," Woon said.

Trans fatty acids are made synthetically when food processors harden fat to make it more like butter in a process called hydrogenization that is used to extend shelf life and enhance the texture of some foods.

Trans fats also increase the risk of heart disease and stroke by boosting levels of so-called "bad" cholesterol, known as LDL, and reducing levels of "good," or HDL, cholesterol.

Starbucks plans to remove trans fats from all its restaurants in China, including those in the eastern part of the country which it owns jointly with Taiwan's Uni-President Group.



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