The new official tax relief directory helps alternative fueled vehicles skyrocket


In the mid of the month, a new vehicle models directory enjoying tax free preference of energy-saving and alternative fueled vehicles has been jointly released by Ministry of Finance, State Administration of Taxation and Ministry of Industry and Information Technology.

There are up to 2,299 models benefited from the new directory, including 65 energy-saving models,involving BYD, Geely, Chery and Shanghai Volkswagen, FAW - VW, and 1,734 alternative fueled vehicles.
Compared with the previous directory, there are more alternative fueled passenger vehicles included in this one, enjoying tax relief.

Alternative fueled vehicle market in the second half of 2015 will continue the warming trend in the first half or surpassing the first half. Stimulated by an array of preferential policies, consumer demand for alternative fueled vehicles ushered in its explosive growth.

Alternative fueled vehicles production in July reached 19,300 units, with sales up to 16,900 units, respectively increasing 2.2 times and 3.3 times on a year-on-year. Among them, the pure electric vehicles sales reported 1.7 times year-on-year increase in production volume and 3.3 times in sales. Plug-in enjoyed both 3.4 times surge in sales and production compared with the same period of last year.

It has changed that every license plat application for alternative fueled vehicles could be approved by authorities. The lower success rate on license plat application in the license plat application market, on the other hand, revealed the jump of sales in the market segment.

The once oversupplying automakers suddenly witnessed demand exceeding supply in the alternative fueled vehicles market recently. JAC reported alternative fueled vehicles sales of 3,637 units in January to July, exceeding 2,704 vehicles compared with last year.

It will probably become a reality that China is the biggest alternative fueled vehicles market in the world within this year.


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