Automobile Antitrust Guidance to be launched next year in China


In recent years, since the introduction of the anti-monopoly law in the country, Chinese authorities have been constantly strengthening law enforcement, mainly in terms of administrative law enforcement.
The penalty amount related to the automobile sector monopoly has reached more than 2 billion yuan, involving an array of joint-venture automakers in China including Dongfeng Nissan, Audi, Chrysler, Mercedes and another twelve Japanese enterprises fined last year.

But some of the auto companies said they did not know if their behavior constitutes a monopoly or touch the bottom line of the law until they were investigated. And the whole antitrust enforcement program itself is not clear.

It reflects the incomplete antimonopoly law system for automobile industry in our country. It is urgent for the general existing antitrust law system to be further defined clearly. Price Supervision Bureau of Chinese National Development and Reform Commission convened industry experts meeting for drafting Guidance on Automobile Antitrust in August, initiating the drafting course.

After soliciting opinions from many groups in preparatory meeting in June and the first workshop in August, the National Development and Reform Commission has been achieving fast and fruitful development in leading the drafting work of the guidance. The second workshop will be held in next month. Thus the final draft guidance will probably be finished in the end of the year. The guidance will probably come into official force in the next year after approved by the existing law system.


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