Diesel vehicles promotion gets harder in China after the VW pollution test scandal


The outbreak of VW’s fraud on pollution test of diesel vehicles has undermined public trust on the environmental protection reliability of diesel vehicles. This put more hindrance for Chinese auto market in promoting diesel vehicles.

In fact while diesel vehicles account for half in European passenger vehicles, diesel vehicles enjoyed much less popularity compared with gasoline vehicles in China, accounting for only 1 percent.

State Council decided to accelerate oil upgrading on February 2013 in executive meeting with petroleum and petrochemical system developing a clear upgrade path. On January 1, 2015, the country has achieved the country's four diesel supply upgrading which declared that diesel oil can be found in many parts of the country. This is a much more preferential situation for diesel vehicles expansion compared with the adverse one for alternative fueled vehicles that EV charging stations are much limited and national charging standard missing.

Secondly, oil upgrading will also drive the development of appropriate technologies, bringing opportunities for the clean diesel vehicles.
But some diesel car not meeting the national four diesel standard still drive on the road, and the auto industry still needs a long time to catch up with the advance of technology and national new requirements.


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