Dealer stockpiles edge up in September as automakers bet on seasonal demand

Dealership inventories across China stood at a 47-day supply in September, up from 46 days in August, as automakers shipped more cars to dealers in anticipation of a rise in demand in the third quarter.
Traditionally, the third quarter is a strong period for car sales in China, the China Automobile Dealers Association said.
In September, stockpiles of Chinese brands increased to 61 days, up from 57 days a month earlier.
September inventories of foreign vehicles built in China rose to a 41-day supply, from 40 days a month earlier.
Dealership inventories of imported vehicles were virtually unchanged at a 60-day supply compared with the inventory level in August.
Jaguar Land Rover continued to post the highest dealership inventories, with a 95-day supply in September.
Two other automakers -- SAIC-GM-Wuling and Chery -- also carried more than two months' supply at their dealerships.


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