Domestic alternative energy vehicle sales increase 3 times in October in China

Yesterday, reporters from Beijing Business Today learned from CPCA that domestic alternative energy passenger vehicle sales volume reached 21,300 in October, increasing 3.1 times. It is quite remarkable that low-speed electric motor cars account for majority of the sales volume, and professionals believed that the recent favorable policies on alternative energy vehicles help maintain the flourishing market.
Data revealed that alternative energy passenger car sales reached 21,300, increasing 3.1 times and 18% with October in last year and September this year respectively. PHEV and BEV sales reached 6,044 and 15,300 and low-speed electric motor cars sold the best among all alternative energy vehicle models.
It is learned that local governments is opening the alternative energy vehicle market since the policy of promoting alternative energy and low-emission vehicles has been issued by State Council Standing Committee Conference held on September 29th. Data revealed that Beijing, Shenzhen and other cities limited the vehicle restriction rule against alternative energy vehicles in October. Dongguan, Fuzhou and other cities increased alternative energy vehicle purchase subsidies. For example, Fuzhou government issued policy that consumer purchasing non-bus alternative energy vehicle with Fuzhou’s carlicense plates before end of this year will obtain double subsidies. The above supporting policies and subsidies by local governments have greatly promoted the local alternative energy vehicle market demands.


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