Chang’an Announced a Joint Venture with Geely, Corun and Yunnei Power

Chang’an Automobile Group announced a joint venture with Geely Auto, Corun and Yunnei Power in China Hybrid System(CHS), a company co-founded by Corun and Geely Holding Group in 2014.
CHS will leverage manufacturers’ strength on battery and hybrid technology, and attract more members so as to build a state-level platform for advanced hybrid powertrains in China.
CHS’s scalable platform can produce powertrains for hybrids and plug-in hybrids. Considered China’s increasingly stringent fuel consumption target and CHS’ bullish future, Chang’an Automobile’s capital increment shows this carmaker’s faith in CHS’s platform and its cost advantage.
By now, CHS has got a 1 billion rmb fund through China’s national industrial transformation and upgrading program last September and its hybrid powertrains had passed a national engineering certification last November.
CHS’s hybrid powertrain will debut in the GeelyEmgrand EC7HEV in the first half of 2016. Chang’an auto will also apply CES’s technologies in its own product lines, among which including Chang’anEado PHEV and CS75 PHEV.


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