Geely discards multi-brand strategy, taking alternative energy vehicles as the lead

After Chery cuts off numerous sub-brands, Geely follows its lead and returns to the only one brand Geely. Set as the breakthrough, alternative energy vehicles will embrace Geely Emgrand Cross Plug-in Hybrid Electric Concept Vehicle and Emgrand EC7 Hybrid Vehicle. Geely’s future development will set HEV models as the main route.
Aiming to promote the competitive power, Geely once developed three sub-brands as Gleagle, Englon and Emgrand but received little achievements. After purchasing Volvo, Geely began to introspect its brand strategy and decided to change the obscure positioning. Under the new brand structure, Geely combined the three brands into one unified Geely brand. During the transition period, current sub-brand products and affiliates are still promoted under Geely. New products are launched under Geely brand and wearing the new Geely Logo. The new Logo, combining the previous Emgrand Logo with blue from the previous Geely Logo, means Geely brand drawing essence and embracing revitalization. Channels will be optimized as well, providing top services with unified image and product matrix.
Geely also integrates its products. Based on medium-class vehicle module framework co-developed by KC, FE and Volvo, Geely will continuously develop and update KC, Emgrand, Vision, Jingang, Panda and other series in the future. According to market and consumer demand, different series will have different product types. For example, Emgrand, developed based on FE, will have sedans, hatchbacks, Cross and SUVs.
Yang Xueliang, Public Relations Division Director of Geely Holding Group, said that, synergy between Geely and Volvo is more often referred to in Geely. More or less, Volvo’s genes can be seen on the above three platforms because many technologies are shared. Sun Xiaodong, vice president of Geely Holding Group and CEO of Geely Auto Sales Company, said that, Geely are continuously launching products into the market under the new brand strategy. Two months later, Emgrand EC7 Hybrid Vehicle will enter the market. In October, a model based on KC platform will be launched. Emgrand Cross Concept Vehicle, displayed on Beijing Auto Show, will be launched in the second half of next year.


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