Output value of livestock husbandry exceeds 1.4tln yuan 

Wang Zhicai, director of the Livestock Husbandry Department of the Ministry of Agriculture, said recently that livestock husbandry in China has entered a new, stable era of development, with quality improving steadily and productivity increasing continually. The industry will gradually shift its focus from quantity to quality; the growth mode from extensive to intensive.

Wang Zhicai outlined the future of animal husbandry in China at a news conference held by the Ministry of Agriculture. He said that China's output of meat and eggs is the greatest in the world, and it is the fifth-largest producer of milk products.

The output value of livestock husbandry exceeded 1.4 trillion yuan in 2006, 34 percent of the total value of the agriculture industry. The average income of a farmer involved in livestock husbandry has exceeded 600 yuan per year, making up 30 percent of a farmer's cash income. In some areas where livestock husbandry is more developed, the money accounts for as much as 50 percent of a farmer's cash income. Livestock husbandry is the primary industry in rural China's agriculture economy.


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