Whisky pours out revenues


Beverage giant Diageo Plc reported that sales revenue surged 73 percent in China during the first half of fiscal 2007 - mainly because of high demand for Johnnie Walker whisky.

Sales of the whisky almost doubled during the six months ended on December 31. Diageo currently sells Guinness Stout, Baileys liqueur and Smirnoff vodka in China, which is now the company's fastest-growing market in Asia.

The London-based distiller has shifted its focus from Europe to Asia to exploit the rising market opportunities. China is a prime target because of its surging economy and higher incomes. The country's growing wealth is helping to create more demand for Western alcoholic beverages.

"We believe the Asia-Pacific region has the potential to be the fastest-growing region in Diageo," said John Pollaers, president of Diageo's new Asia Pacific organization. "In particular, India and China are highlighted as critical emerging markets."

Diageo forecast that its Chinese business will achieve double-digit growth annually for the next five years, prompting Asia to become the driving force globally. The company agreed to establish Diageo Asia Pacific as the fourth Diageo region on February 1 - a top priority in its global development strategy, dubbed "Destination 2011."

The new region covers China, India, Austria, Japan, South Korea and Southeast Asian countries. The companies other regions are North America, Europe and a third that's in charge of the rest of world markets. The latest move aims to provide the company with better access as it beefs up distribution, sales, marketing and global supply, and it will also help improve efficiency.


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