China's forestry industry earns above 900 bln yuan in 06


The total output value of China's forestry industry exceeded 900 billion yuan (118 billion U.S. dollars) in 2006. The yield of lumber totaled 78.02 million cubic meters last year and that of dried and fresh fruit from the state-owned forestry companies more than 90 million tons.

Forest tourism generated 100 billion yuan and forestry products trade topped 47 billion U.S. dollars.  The forestry industry comprised material products such as lumber, furniture and flower growing from state-owned forestry companies.

China's forestry sector has been developing at a double-digit rate annually over the past six years and hit 726.9 billion yuan in value in 2005.

The SFA set a goal to earn 1.2 trillion yuan (150 billion U.S.dollars) in 2010.


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