Jiangxi Taina Nanfeng Orange Co Ltd Expands Production


Jiangxi Taina Nanfeng Orange Co Ltd announced that it has expanded and reformed its production line for the selection and packaging of fruit. The company engaged in the planting and marketing of oranges and orange related products, said the changes to its production line will improve its efficiency and could increase market share by up to 5 percent by 2007.

The company has invested approximately US$625,000 in the project. Their fruit selection and packaging workspace has been increased to over 4,300 sq m.

Upon completion, the project should expand the company's daily production capabilities by more than 100 tons, while reducing costs by approximately 10 percent.

The project will also move the company to an entirely automated system. Once the procedure for eliminating dust, waxing and size classification becomes fully automated, the company should see a significant increase in product quality and profits.

The company is located in Nanfeng county, an area considered by many to be the orange capital of China.




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