Beijing plans for health scares during Olympic Games


Beijing is drawing up contingency plans to ensure the health and safety of athletes during the 2008 Olympic Games.

Liu Zejun, director of Beijing Disease Prevention and Control Center, said at a meeting this week that a health accident emergency response headquarters and 11 medical rescue teams have been set up in Beijing.

Plans have been made to prevent major epidemic diseases such as flu, according to Liu. "There will be a number of health challenges during the Beijing Olympic Games," said Liu, adding that the detailed emergency response plan will allow Beijing to react quickly in case of a health scare.

The major challenges include epidemics and food and water safety, said Liu. "Ensuring food and water safety is our key task," said Liu.

Experts are evaluating the risks of various epidemics, food poisoning, environmental accidents and drinking water contamination.

Liu said Beijing will do everything necessary to prevent epidemics and food poisoning during the Games, and pay particular attention to the risk of food poisoning and drinking water contamination inside the Olympic Village, gyms and stadiums, hotels and restaurants.


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