Taiwan fruit sellers call for direct transport to facilitate business


As Taiwan fruit gains popularity on the mainland, Taiwan businessmen are calling for direct transport links between the island and mainland to facilitate their expanding market.

Currently, 22 types of Taiwan-produced fruit, including guawa, carambola and waxed-apples, are permitted to be sold on the mainland. In Shanghai city alone, more than a 1,000 tons of Taiwan fruit are sold annually.

Lin Hongming, general manager of GGood Commerce and Trade, Co. said the expanding access to the mainland has benefited mainland consumers, Taiwan fruit farmers and Taiwan fruits sellers.

"Under current rules Taiwan fruit has to be transported to third place before reaching the mainland. It wastes time and the fruit can easily rot during transportation," he said.

"If direct cross-Strait transport is realized, the transportation cost will be reduced by half and we will definitely further expand into the mainland fruit market," he said.



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