Guangdong backs nuclear option


GUANGDONG Province plans to spend 73.9 billion yuan (US$9.6 billion) by 2010 on nuclear power plants, the 21st Century Business Herald said, citing Chen Shanru, director of the province's development and reform commission.

The plan includes projects in Lingao, Yangjiang and Taishan, the report said, citing Chen. Guangdong aims to boost its installed nuclear power capacity to 24,000 megawatts from 4,000 megawatts by 2020, the report said. That would equal 60 percent of the nation's planned nuclear capacity, it added. Installing 10,000 megawatts of nuclear power capacity can reduce annual coal consumption by 30 million tons, cut carbon dioxide emission by 70 million tons and reduce sulfur dioxide emissions by 580,000 tons, the report said.



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