Asahi Beer Company Enters Chinese High Quality Dairy Market

   Date:2007/05/25     Source:

As reported, Japan Asahi Beer Company will produce high quality diary in China of July for local market. 400 dairy cows, which were imported from New Zealand, arrived at Laiyang farm in Shandong Province on May 20.

The company has planned to increase the number of dairy cows early next year to 800 with annual production of fresh milk reaching 5500 tons.

These dairy cows will be raised in a non-pollutant environment by means of high technology and milk fat ratio in the product will comply with Japanese standard.

All fresh milk produced in the farm will be supplied to Chinese dairy manufacturer with almost doubled price of the products produced locally.

Since Chinese consumers have concerned more and more about safety of food, Asahi Company hopes this action can meet the needs of the market.

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