American Playboy wine will enter China market

   Date:2007/05/29     Source:

On May 22, American Playboy Group held a music wine-tasting event to promote its new brand wine-----Playboy wine in Shenzhen, Guangdong Province. Liquor Monopoly Authority, wine dealers, media and so on were invited to present the event.

Playboy wine has three series. All of them are French imported bottle wine. Its prices range from 100-2000 Yuan. One of series wine is Playboy Art Fazenda wine whose production region is Medoc, French. And another series of wine is rose wine which is produced by an old estate of French.

A qualified marketing expert said that Playboy wine would share the same channel resources with other productions of Playboy. And it would also promote with other productions. Then Playboy wine can enter China market quickly by wide international influence of Playboy brand.

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