Big enterprises benefit from Prescription Management Method

   Date:2007/05/31     Source:
Prescription Management Method was put into practice from May 1st. The rule of "selecting 2 in many products" will cause two influences: on the one hand, consolidating some enterprises' market shares; on the other hand, to a certain extent,closing the door of new products going into hospitals. Prescription Management Method would cause profound influence for biological drugs and generic drugs.

"Selecting 2 in many products" is short for "one certain specifaction, selecting two drug products". The relative principal of Department of Medical Administration under Health Ministry introduced there are four main requirements: the first, every medical organizations must establish Drug Prescription Formulary; the second, for the products with same generic name and same specifaction, the injection products and oral products can exceed two products respectively in one hospital; the third, Doctors write the prescriptions with generic names.; the forth, county or above Health Administrative Departments would inspect the implementation stituation regularity.

Usually the products of multinational enterprises and Chinese famous enterprises have more chances to be left in the hospitals. Some people think some big pharmaceutical enterprises would be bigger and stronger, while some small enterprises with weak R&D capability would be washed out.

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