Wuxi Takes Water To Solve Shortage

   Date:2007/06/01     Source:

Jiangsu Province's Wuxi has initiated an emergency mechanism to collect water from its surrounding areas to solve the water shortage caused by an advanced growth of blue algae from Taihu Lake.

According to multiple local media reports, the city has opened a "green channel" for transporting purified water from neighboring cities like Changzhou and Suzhou and has asked the transportation department to provide unimpeded roads for the vehicles carrying water to the city.

Due to the sudden growth of the blue algae at Taihu Lake as well as the low underground water level of the city, Wuxi has faced a water shortage in recent days. As a result, the retail price of purified water has dramatically increased with 18 liters of purified water risign from RMB8 to RMB50.

In addition to opening the green channel for water delivery, Wuxi is also introducing water from the Yangtze River to make up for the supply from the Taihu Lake; inviting experts to discuss solutions on improving the water quality of Taihu Lake; and taking active measures to respond to the quality changes of the tap water.

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