China produces 50% of world's pork output

   Date:2007/06/13     Source:

According to Li Shuilong, the director of China Meat Association, China is the top pork producer and consumer in the world, where 51.97 million tons of pork are produced and consumed every year, about 50.1% of the total in the world.

In 2006, averagely every Chinese consumed 39.6 kg of pork, 1.3 kg more than in 2005, despite the fact that there were fewer live pigs in China. Actually, pork takes up about 60% of China's meat consumption. In the same year, about 7.5 million tons of beef, 4.7 million tons of mutton, and 15.09 million tons of poultry were produced in China. The total meat production of China in 2006 was nearly 80.51 million tons, contributing about 30% to the world's total production.

Averagely, each Chinese consumed 61.3 kg of meat in 2006, 2.1 kg more than in 2005.

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