Domestic wine industry gained from the fast development of high-end wine market

   Date:2007/06/13     Source:


It's reported that in the first half of the year the industrial gross product of our vintage sector was over 100 billion yuan which was 23.2% above that to the same period of last year. The income of the main business was 95 billion yuan which was 24.4% above that to the same period of last year. The total tax and profit payment was more than 1 billion yuan, up by 25.2% over the previous year. The total asset of the sector was 240 billion yuan, up by 9.3% over the previous year.

The experts said that although our country's rate of imported wine increased, foreign wine could not influence domestic premium wine because of the not well-known of foreign wine in our country and the development of domestic high-end wine.

The statistics showed that our country's wine producing were mainly from 7 wineries. Their gross product accounted for 58.6% of wine sector's and their earning accounted for 64.9% as well as the profit and tax accounted for 83.4%.The total output of wine in our country was 220 thousand kiloliters, up by 17.1% over that of the previous year. Our country's industrial gross product was 6 billion yuan, up by 26.6% over the previous year. And the main business income was over 6 billion yuan, up by 28.7% over the previous year.

The experts analyzed that due to the fast development of domestic high-end wine market, wine production and consumption increased steadily and the structure of wine market and consumption were improved. It's good for our wine industry to be upgraded.

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