Beijing gets tougher over food safety

   Date:2007/06/22     Source:

Beijing has drafted a new regulation on food safety which outlines tougher punishment for violators, Beijing Evening News reports.

The draft will be submitted to the Standing Committee of the Beijing People?És Congress to examine. Once it's approved, businesses that break the regulation will be fined as much as 500 thousand yuan, roughly 65 thousand US dollars.

The draft stipulates that food operators who provide, sell or buy raw materials through illegal channels may pay the fine between 100 to 500 thousand yuan.

Such punishment will also be imposed on those who inject water into meat, or use additives and preservatives improperly.

Once a business licence has been withdrawn, the party will not be allowed to restart operations during the following three years. Furthermore, if he is being investigated for criminal liability, he won't have the chance to conduct business again in his lifetime, the newspaper said.

Additionally, vegetables and aquatic products arriving in Beijing markets from outside will be required to be labeled with an identity card testifying to its origins and quality certificate.

The newspaper noted that 90 percent of vegetables and pork, and nearly every variety of aquatic products are imported to Beijing from other regions.

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